Too often transportation improvement focuses exclusively on increasing road capacity for motor vehicles by means of wider roads, turn lanes and the development of new roadways. This approach is rooted in the car-dependent culture of our nation. Although there is a time and place for this approach, my focus will primarily be on improving transportation options, combined with creative traffic management solutions to maximize the safety and capacity of our existing roadways.
Transportation mix
To reduce road traffic, Apex needs to invest in alternate modes of transportation, including public transit (bus & rail), bicycle infrastructure and walkways. I fully support the continued development of new and expanded GoApex bus routes to connect residential and commercial areas, as well as our historic downtown. I’m also excited to explore future railway options to connect Apex to major employment centers, including the S-Line project. I also support continued investment in sidewalk and greenway projects. My focus and investment prioritization will be foremost to fill gaps in our existing infrastructure so that more and safer continuous routes are available for bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
Traffic management
Even with an improved transportation mix, Apex will still require improvements to its roadway infrastructure to accommodate the needs of the growing town. However, I want to develop solutions beyond traditional road widening, turn lanes and traffic lights. One road design concept that I believe is under-explored but has great potential to address capacity and safety concerns around Apex is the concept of Turbo Roundabouts. These concepts make roundabouts more intuitive and safer to navigate without stopping the flow of traffic like traditional traffic lights. These roundabout designs have been common in Europe for decades and can substantially improve road conditions on both medium and highly trafficked roads. Despite other states adopting these designs, North Carolina is lagging. I aim for Apex to be the municipality leading adoption in our State via constructive engagement between our Traffic Management staff and NC Department of Transportation.
Road Safety
Central to any traffic improvement project needs to be the safety of residents and visitors. I look forward to further the Apex “Safe Routes to School” and “Vision Zero” programs by allocating additional capital investment in these areas.
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